Ocarina Playing Tips
Learn how to play your Ocarina Workshop Oc® from making your first sounds to playing your first musical notes.
This is number 1 in a series if teaching videos and ocarina playing tips taking you from complete beginner to musical maestro.
Before beginning to play…
~ look at your Oc® and wear your Ocarina, to keep it safe
~ support your Ocarina by placing your thumbs on the thumb-rests of the 4-hole Oc, or by fully closing the thumb-holes on the 6-hole Oc
~ use the first two fingers of each hand to cover the finger-holes, making an airtight seal
~ place the mouthpiece in your mouth keeping your top lip clear of the whistle-hole
~ point the string-end of the Ocarina towards the ground as you play
~ breathe in to your Oc with a warm, steady breath
This video will guide you to making your first sounds…
You might like to show this video, and the subsequent Ocarina Tips, to your class.
The next video teaches you some more notes and how to read ocarina music.
When you are ready, explore the Shop to discover which Class Packs would be best for your pupils – remember, the teaching resources are all ready-made for you and are tried and tested so you can relax and have fun making music together.