
Ocarina Workshop® is a registered trademark. Any other persons trading under the name Ocarina Workshop® without specific permission from the owners will be liable to legal action in accordance with the laws of England and any disputes will be decided only by the English courts.

Ocarina Workshop®    Vat Registration Number: GB 425 6447 46
Ocarina Workshop®    Trademark Registration Number: 2289181
Ocarina Workshop®    Limited Company Number 3545334

The Ocarina Workshop® name and brand have been continuously developed by David and Christa Liggins since 1983 and are your guarantee of quality and excellence in product and delivery.

The site is owned by Ocarina Workshop® Limited, whose Registered Office is at 12 Beardsley Gardens, Kettering, NN15 5UB, United Kingdom.

The content of the website is protected by copyright, trademarks, database and other intellectual property rights. You may retrieve and display the content of the site on a computer screen, store such content in electronic form on disk (but not any server or other storage device connected to a network). You may print one copy of such content for your own personal, non-commercial use, provided you keep intact all and any copyright and proprietary notices. You may not otherwise reproduce, modify, copy or distribute or use for commercial purposes any of the materials or content on the site without written permission from Ocarina Workshop Limited at the address above.

Please see additional information regarding trademarks and copyrights.


You can cancel your order at any time until payment is complete. Your order will be acknowledged by email. If you have any questions, please respond to that email. Ocarina Workshop Limited respects your privacy. We make every effort to ensure that any personal information you provide is protected in accordance with GDPR and DPA 2018 regulations.

Your order and delivery details will be held on a secure server for a limited time only, accessible only to Ocarina Workshop and not disclosed or passed on to any third parties. This information will only be used to provide you with the products you have ordered and with information regarding our products.

Online payment is made through WorldPay or PayPal so your payment details are secure. Orders made directly by telephone or post are securely processed in accordance with current PCI DSS regulations and all card details are destroyed once your order has been processed.

You can visit without disclosing any information about yourself. If you decide to order from us, then we will ask you to provide your name and address. You can proceed through the ordering process as a guest, or register.

Ocarina Workshop may occasionally email those who have bought through this website or registered interest in our products. Should you receive an email, you can choose to opt out and you will not be contacted again. You can also email and all of your personal information within our files will be deleted/deactivated.

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Please contact us if you have any questions concerning our privacy policy:
E:    T: 01536-485963     F: 01536-485051

This policy was last updated in June 2018 in accordance with GDPR and DPA 2018 regulations.


Registered Trademarks

The Ocarina Workshop® and Oc® names and logos are registered trademarks of David and Christa Liggins and used under licence by Ocarina Workshop Limited. The Oc® musical instruments are registered designs and copyright of David and Christa Liggins: manufactured under licence by Ocarina Workshop Limited.



Play your Ocarina™, OcBox™, OcPix™, Oc-Box™, Oc-Pix™, Duoc-Box™, Duoc-Pix™, School Ocarina™, Rainbow Ocarinas™ and Ocarina Rainbow Starter Boxes™ and OcShop™ are trademarks of David and Christa Liggins and used under licence by Ocarina Workshop Limited.

The phrases “Easy to Teach, Fun to Play™” | “Music for every Child and every Teacher™” | “Give your Child an Instrumental Voice™” are all trademarks of David and Christa Liggins and used under licence by Ocarina Workshop Limited.


Ocarina Tablature

Ocarina tablature in all Ocarina Workshop® publications and on this website is copyright © David and Christa Liggins and used under licence by Ocarina Workshop® Limited. It is not permitted to reproduce ocarina music tablature or any pages from the Play your Ocarina™ Books in any physical, electronic or other form without the written permission of Ocarina Workshop Limited.

Oc-Box™ Oc-Box  copyright 1984 © David and Christa Liggins

Oc-Pix™  Oc-Pix  copyright 1989 © David and Christa Liggins

Duoc-Box™ Duoc-Pix  copyright 1991 © David and Christa Liggins

Duoc-Pix™ Duoc-Box  copyright 1991 © David and Christa Liggins

Any adapting, modifying and re-creating of Ocarina Workshop® brand names and trademarks, Ocarina Workshop® products or Ocarina Workshop® music tablature without the permission and approval of Ocarina Workshop Limited will be considered an infringement of copyright and treated as such. Any persons or companies infringing these trademarks and copyrights will be liable to legal action in accordance with the laws of England and any disputes will be decided by the English courts.


Ocarina Workshop Limited is a family owned business based in Kettering, Northamptonshire, UK and is an active member of organisations relevant to both the Music Industry and Music Education.

Ocarina Workshop manufactures Ocarinas and publishes Ocarina Music, Ocarina CD recordings and Ocarina Teaching Resources, supplying direct to Schools and Trade worldwide.

Music Education in Primary Schools is our passion and focus. We train teachers and lead workshops for children. Our primary aim is to give any class teacher the confidence and the method to teach whole classes to play musical instruments together.

Music Education in Schools

MEC – Music Education Council

ISM/SMA – Incorporated Society of Musicians / Schools Music Association

Musical Instrument Suppliers, Music Publishers and Business Networks

MIA – Music Industries Association

MPA – Music Publishers Association

FSB – Federation of Small Businesses

Ocarina Research

David and Christa Liggins are members of the Galpin Society, for research into the history, construction, development and use of musical instruments, and AMIS American Musical Instrument Society. David has written Ocarina articles for the New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians, The Grove Dictionary of Musical Instruments and Oxford Music Online.