Ocarinas in the Primary School - simply brilliant

Ocarinas in the Primary School – Ocarina Report

Ocarinas have a proven track record for delivering successful whole class music lessons.

This Report – Ocarinas in the Primary School looks at the first 30 years of English Ocarinas in UK Schools, challenging three basic principles for whole-class music: choice of instrument, teacher and teaching methods.

With five comprehensive sections, the Ocarina Report explores the Background to the development of the English Ocarina; English Ocarinas in Education since 1983; Ocarina Activity in the Primary School, with first-hand research and comments from teachers who have taught with Ocarinas over many years; Ocarina Rationale explaining how mastery of a simple musical instrument results in musical fluency and a broad musical education; and Ocarinas and the Primary Music Curriculum, showcases the benefits that Ocarinas bring to Primary Schools throughout the UK.

Ocarina Report


Ocarina-pupils develop early musicianship as they sing and play music of many genres. Their close interaction with a simple instrument brings musical rewards beyond anything possible with more complex instruments, which often only deliver a handful of notes in the first year or two of whole class playing. As the quote below shows, ocarina-playing is life-changing; the skills learned last a lifetime and are worth passing on:

Hi, I was in your ocarina class as a pupil in Kettering when you first introduced ocarinas to schools in the mid-1980’s. I have many happy memories of playing them at school and still have my original ocarinas. I have been asked, as a part of the new National Curriculum for schools, to introduce the teaching of a tuned musical instrument to the children in Years 3 and 4 at my Primary school. Knowing the pleasure I had from learning the ocarina in school at a similar age, I have decided that this is the route I want to pursue.
(Northamptonshire Music Teacher) September 2014.

Read more about Ocarinas in Primary School Music Education in the Music and Teaching and Learning sections of our blog – and in particular The KISS Principle. Then explore the Shop and try this yourself!